Recording systems
The chosen recording method for the Trust for all safeguarding issues is My Concern.
External Audit
The Trust contracts an external specialist to conduct Safeguarding Audits at all schools to ensure an external viewpoint is given annually on each school’s safeguarding arrangements.
Reporting to the Local Governing Body
The Board of Governors review the Safeguarding policy annually at the same time they receive the Safeguarding report from the Designated Safeguarding Lead. A safeguarding update is on the agenda of every meeting of the Local Governing Body including Challenge Days.
Governor training
All Governors receive updated training annually on Keeping Children Safe in Education and are also required to confirm that they have read the updated documentation.
Reporting to the Trust Board
The Board of Trustees review the Safeguarding policy annually and receive the Safeguarding report from the Designated Safeguarding Lead. A safeguarding update is on the agenda of every meeting of the Trust Board.
Trustee training
All Governors receive updated training annually on Keeping Children Safe in Education and are also required to confirm that they have read the updated documentation.
DSL meetings
Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) meet regularly throughout the year under the leadership of the Trust DSL to share good practice and continually develop their skills and knowledge. All DSLs within The Two Counties Trust receive external supervision, a statutory requirement for safeguarding professionals.
Safeguarding Campaigns
Throughout the year our schools discuss and explore a variety of topics with our students to support their awareness and understanding of key safeguarding concerns. This campaign actively encourages students to talk to a trusted adult.