
We are incredibly lucky to have some excellent employees at The Two Counties Trust.  We fully believe in investing in all our staff in order to develop exceptional schools so that our students have enhanced life choices and are fully ready to make a positive contribution to the world we share.   

Developing staff so that they can secure career development opportunities is part of our wider strategic plan for the coming years.   

We want to continue to be an employer of choice in the East Midlands and therefore committed to the four pillars that have been identified as key components of a great place to work. 

  1. Leadership, culutre and climate  
  2. Developing people and talent  
  3. Positive student behaviour  
  4. Manageable workload and well-being  

Through maintaining The Two Coutnies Trust as a great palce to work and learn, coupled with professional development opportunties we are condfident that we care recruit, develop and retain exceptional people.   We look for ambitious colleagues to join us on our journey, where we strive for excellence in all that we do.   

Support Staff  

Support roles whether based in a school or a central team are essential for the Trust to achieve it’s mission.  We are in the business of education so we do need business functions to deliver on our core business market; education.  There are many different functions within our support staff structure but as a general rule support staff career development looks like: 

  • Apprenticeships  
  • Non – management role  
  • Assistant management role  
  • Management role  
  • Senior management role  

In order to progress from a non – management role into a management role it is important that staff develop both leadership and domain specialist knowledge and understanding.   We ensure that all staff have opportunities to learn from more experienced colleagues in the Trust and attend relevant network groups to further their professional development.  In addition to this we promote external training for further development.  As a medium size Trust we have regular opportunities for staff to develop their career within the Trust and to secure promotion opportunities.  

Teaching staff 

We have comprehensive range of training which places our staff in a strong position to secure promotion opportunities within the Trust.  The delivery of our Early Careers Framework in conjunction with East Midlands Teacher Training Partnership ensures that almost without exception all our teacher pass their induction period.   

In order to develop leadership knowledge and understanding we facilitate opportunities each year for staff to complete various National Professional Qualifications again in conjunction with the East Midlands Teacher Training Partnership.