TTCT Offer
The Early Career Framework is the evidence base which underpins the entitlement for Early Career Teachers’ professional development. It sets out what all Early Career Teachers should learn about, and learn how to do, during the first two years of their careers. Since September 2021:
- The induction period will be 2 school years.
- Early Career Teachers will be entitled to a programme of training based on the Early Career Framework, as well as the support of a dedicated in-school mentor.
- 5% time away from the classroom will be provided for teachers in their second year of teaching.
The Appropriate Bodies’ role will include checking the provision offered by schools to ensure that Early Career Teachers receive support based on the Early Career Framework.
Delivery of Early Career Framework
We are delighted to work closely with the East Midland Teacher Training Programme as a strategic partner. All TTCT ECTs are registered with East Midland Teacher Training Programme to access the Early Career Framework through the Ambition Institute. The Ambition Institute was instrumental in the pilot of the Early Careers Framework and has developed a high-quality resource bank and training programme.
Appropriate Bodies
All our schools register ECTs with an Appropriate Body. An Appropriate Body:
- Registers and monitors the progress of ECTs.
- Provides a briefing session for Professional Mentors and ECTs.
- Reviews the school’s Induction Programme and the delivery model of the Early Career Framework.
- Gives advice where ECTs are at risk of failure and advising on appropriate support packages for the ECTs.
- Providing advice and guidance on the induction of ECTs for Headteachers/Principals, Governors, Induction Tutors and ECTs
- Providing an ECT Induction Tutor Information Pack and ECT Handbook
Each of our schools has built up a successful relationship with their local Appropriate Body. Induction Tutors will be able to confirm which Appropriate Body the school works in partnership with.
TTCT Professional Studies Programme
In addition, our ECTs have access to TTCT Professional Studies Programme offer which exposes ECTs to research and facilitates a cross-school network of ECTs. The programme blends the use of current research along with sharing of practical strategies to support our teachers develop and refine their teaching toolkit.
School Based Programmes
Each of our schools has a named senior leader who oversees Professional Learning for their site. All ECTs are also assigned a subject based mentor. Subject based mentors are experienced members of staff who have had training in coaching staff relatively new to the profession. Mentors provide set times dedicated for instructional coaching sessions for ECTs.