
TTCT is a genuinely inclusive organisation.  All schools within the Trust work exceptionally hard to ensure students individual needs are met so they can make a special contribution to the world we share.  The team of SENDCos are committed to developing quality first teaching for all our students.  Through effective scaffolding, modelling and instruction all students access the curriculum and meet with success.   

At The Two Counties Trust literacy development is taken extremely seriously.  All students benefit from developing strong literacy skills, and students with additional needs particularly benefit from literacy programmes and interventions.   

Although there are times when students benefit from one-to-one intervention or small group activities, the aim is for all students to be included within the classroom. Mrs Elsdon as the Pastoral Director oversees SEND across our schools and works with the team of qualified SENDCos in each school to ensure statutory obligations are meet and the very best of practice is being developed across our family of schools.   

SEND Active Ingredients  

  • Qualified SENDCo in each school. 
  • Engagement with families as early as possible. 
  • Additional and tailored support at transition points.  
  • Review and amend the SEND register regularly as we know students needs change over time. 
  • Default is that all students benefit from quality first classroom teaching. 
  • Regular training and updates for staff on SEND. 
  • Consistent approach across our family of schools for the identification on SEND. 

Key Staff  

Executive Headteacher – Pastoral

Trust SENDCo.

TTCT SEND Link Trustee 

Sarah Bailey

Emma Merchant

Alison Chmiel