Deciding on a Post-16 can be a difficult decision to make, especially considering the decision often coincides with a young persons Year 11 exams, often a very busy period itself. At The Two Counties Trust we are always looking to embody our values of Ambition, Teamwork and Honesty, which is why we have developed a Post-16 Guidebook. An effort we hope will guide our students towards Post-16 choices, suited perfectly to their development.
The guide contains brief outlines of each of our five Post-16 sites: Manor College, Ashfield Post-16, Swanwick Hall Sixth Form, Friesland Sixth Form and Wilsthorpe Sixth Form. As well as a description of life at the college and courses available, the guide also contains various alumni stories from past students and their successes, showing prospective new students just what is achievable when studying with a Two Counties Post-16 Centre.
Speaking on the release of the Guidebook and the value of Post-16, TTCT CEO Wesley Davies said
“The guide is intended to give you a flavour of each of our sites, so that you can then read individual websites, the more detailed prospectus and of course visit in person, to find out what is special and distinctive about each Post-16”.
The Two Counties Trust is committed to providing all our students with a high-value education. We also strive for our Post-16 Centres to go the extra step in providing this education within an adult-like environment to best prepare our young people for the next step in their lives. We believe that presenting our young people with all the opportunities available to them gives them the tools to make a positive contribution to the world that we share.