The return to school from the Christmas break can often be an intense moment of realisation for year 11 students as they realise that exam season is getting closer and closer.
Revision techniques and knowledge of how exactly an exam is laid out, is incredibly important information that our teaching staff are looking to impart on Year 11 students, in the hopes of giving them the best possible preparation for their upcoming exams.
Staff at Manor, looking to ensure that they can prepare their students as much as possible have launched a series online revision session, covering the core subjects of English, Maths and Science.
- On Wednesday 10th January, Mr Sharman (Head of maths) delivered a session on key Maths questions that have been recognised as areas for student improvement.
- On Wednesday 17th January, Mrs Brennan (Head of Science) delivered a session on the key Science questions that have been recognised as areas for school improvement.
- On Wednesday 24th January, it was the turn of Mrs Mason to deliver an English session, again covering the questions that had been identified as when students were most likely to be able to improve.
All of these sessions took place using Microsoft teams, meaning that the previous sessions were all able to be recorded and can be found in the News and Events section of Manor Academy’s website.
Thank you to all the staff at The Manor Academy for giving both your time and your knowledge in an effort to prepare students for their exams, it is commitment like this helping us to strive towards our goal of #bestyet this year. The Two Counties Trust would also like to take a moment to say well done to the students who took part in these sessions, showcasing their commitment to learning and giving themselves the best possible start to exam season.